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It was named after Jean Nicot, a 16th century diplomat, who introduced tobacco to France.

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Q: Where did the word nicotine come from?
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Related questions

Where does the word nicotine come from?

It is believed that nicotine was named for Jean Nicot, French Ambassador to Portugal in the late 1500's.

Should the word 'nicotine' be capitalized?

No, "nicotine" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a proper noun.

What is the word for when you need to smoke?

Nicotine craving.

How do you spell nicateen?

The word is spelled nicotine.

How much nicotine is delvered in a nicotine patch?

Nicotine patches come in three different strengths. There are 21 mg. patches, 14 mg. patches, and 7 mg. patches.

What does nicotine in tobacco do?

Nicotine causes you to form an addiction to tobacco. That's why producers of tobacco products use it; to make customers come back for more.

What is the origin for the word nicotinic?

The word means pertaining to or containing nicotine, relating to the action of nicotine on neutrons. The New Latin words Herba Nicotiana is from France, Nicot's plant, the Frenchman who introduced tobacco into France

Is nicotine a narcotic?

Nicotine is not a narcotic. The term narcotic is loosely defined much like the word dope but it usually refers to opiate analgesics such as oxycodone and hydrocodone.

Least to greatest nicotine amount for smokeless tobacco?

Smokeless tobaccos tend to have roughly the same quantities of nicotine. You should know that the nicotine is not the big problem with smokeless (nor with smoking, for that matter). The problem is the chemicals that come along with it, and they are unabated regardless of the source.

Does marijuana use show up in nicotine test?

The key word there is "nicotine test". If they are looking for niccotone they're not going to waste extra money looking for THC when that's not what the test is for.

What do people do when their addicted to the nicotine in marijuana?

There is no nicotine in Marijuana, nicotine is in cigarettes.

How much nicotine in liggett cigarettes?

alot they are one of the strongest ciggerettes people come by, cheap and nasty.