

Where did they use enigma machine?

Updated: 11/19/2022
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Q: Where did they use enigma machine?
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What is the name of Great Britain's effort to use Germany's coding machine?

The machine was called the Enigma Cypher Machine.

What was the name of the machine used by Germans in ww2 to make and decipher messages?

The Enigma machine. Several nations used this message coding device; the Nazis' use of it just gets discussed more.

What is the name of the German encrypting machine used in World War 2?

It was called The Enigma Machine for German encoding.

Who invented ww2 code breaking machine-enigma?

enigma was the German code making machine not code breaking ultra was the code breaking machine

What was the name of the German code-making machine in ww2?

It was called the Enigma.

What does the enigma machine look like?

it is a brown wooden box with a typing machine inside, this would break the enigma code, the Germans used this machine in WW2

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an enigma machine

How were codes used in history?

They were used for enigma machines. Enigma machine is a way German people sent messages in codes. A Enigma machine holds loads of codes. Enigma machines are like laptops but with massive buttons and in code form

Was the Enigma machine British?

The Enigma was the Germans' and the Ultra was the British machine. Then the British from HMS Bulldog were the first to capture the Enigma Machine from the U-110 in the North Atlantic on May 9th 1941. Then Poland helped the British to decipher the code.

Why did they use the enigma machine in world war 2?

Arthur Scherbius invented the Enigma machine, filing his first patent in 1918. Its original intended use was for secure business communication.In the late 1920s the German military ordered two differently modified versions of Enigma machines for the Navy and Army that were intended to be more secure than the standard commercial Enigma machines.

How do you use the word enigma?

The use of the word enigma is apparently an enigma to you! Delicious irony!

When did Alan turing invented enigma machine?

Alan Turing didn't invent Enigma you complete inbacile. He cracked the code that the Germans were sending with the Enigma machine once. And it wasn't just his it was a whole team of people.