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Nodules of iron ore form under the surface of bog vegetation due to the action of bacteria. Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland and the site in Canada where vikings lived all had bog iron. The vikings would make charcoal, preferably out of hardwoods (presumably birch in the far north where none other hardwoods grew). They would use that to smelt the iron ore into bloom iron and then hammer that into wrought iron nails and washers for their ships. They could also 'sew' the planks together using spruce roots.

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Q: Where did vikings get nails to build a long ship?
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How many nails did it take to build the rms titanic?

Nails were not used to build the ship. It was made of steel. Rivets are used in steel.

What transport did the vikings use?

He was a viking so he used a ship. The ships the vikings used for long voyages across the Atlantic were called knarrs. They were cargo ships that were about 54 feet long. They held a crew of about 20-30 vikings.

What was so special about the long ship the vikings made?

there was good spaces for sexul entercurse

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Don't think of the Vikings as travelling in a "ship" with covered decks or shelter... a viking ship was just an open boat - long and wide, admittedly, but totally exposed to the elements. A replica of a viking boat can be seen at the "Related Link" below.

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The Frankish policy of settling them and converting them to Christianity.

Why do vikings most likely buried their ships?

probably deliberately sacrified this ship for the burial before any accident happened, and to build a better one as a replacement.

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What are the names of vikings ship sections?

All the Vikings chose the name of there ships the Vikings have to name there ships with dragon and then carry on with the nameFor ExampleThe name of a Viking ship could be called Dragon head

How long does it take to build a modern cruise ship?

8 to 10 years

How did the vikings travel to turkey?

The vikings traveled toIreland in their famous ships.