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if they came from anywhere but England they wouldn't be called british.

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Q: Where do British apples come from besides England?
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Apples come from apple trees and strawberries come from strawberry plants.

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Apples usually come from farms, where they are grown and harvested. Many apples are grown in Washington State, which has good farm land for growing apples.

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British immigrants are people who come into another country to live and they come from England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or even one of the British colonies. The large island which contains the countries of England and Wales and Scotland is called Great Britan and the people who live there are often referred as being Brittish or the Brits.

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Captain Robert Falcon Scott was born in England and was a British citizen.

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The information I have found says Martindale comes from England, the British Isles.

Where are apples come from?

Apple trees.