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in a viahara

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Q: Where do Buddhist worship god?
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What is the point of Buddhist worship when there is no god?

Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion. It does not involve worship at all.

What is the Buddhist worship called?

buddist like to worship by greeting there their god everyday in a verti for 5 mins buddist like to worship by greeting there their god everyday in a verti for 5 mins

What is the name where Buddhist worship Buddha?

First off, Buddhist do not worship The Buddha. We honor and revere him. He was not a god. We come together to practice and honor him in a temple.

Do the Buddhist and Hindu religion have a place of worship?

yes both of them have a place to worship God. In Hinduism it is called Temple.

What god do Buddhist's worship?

They do not worship a 'God' as such. Buddha was a mentor and teacher who is largely attributed with starting the religion and spreading the 'word' but it is more a belief in enlightenment, peace and wisdom than any god. They meditate rather than worship.

Buddhism worship place?

Buddhists do not worship, in the sense of Christian worship of God. We worship no god or persons. Our prayers serve a different purpose also. The purpose of Buddhist prayer is to awaken our inherent inner capacities of strength, compassion and wisdom rather than to petition external forces for guidance or deliverance. Buddhist do show reverence to The Buddha and his teachings at alters in temples and in our homes.

Where is the main place of worship for Buddhists?

A main place for a Buddhist to worship is in a temple called the Vihara. I hope this will help.

Do Buddhist worship in synagogues?

Ni, Buddhists worship in temples.

Why do you have places of worship?

The purpose of a worship place is because so people can pray to god and be in an environment with people with the same believe and with the same religion. Another reason is that so they be in touch with there god (unless they are Buddhist as they do not believe in a god but just there leader) talk to god and show respect towards god.

What are followers of Buddhism called?

A follower of The Buddha is called a Buddhist. As a note: Buddhists doe not worship The Buddha. We revere him, we are grateful to him, but he is not a god.

What is the name of the worship place for buddist?

The Buddhist place of worship is called a vihara, the take of their shoes before the go in as a sign of respest and they sit on the fllor or on cushions when the meditate also the focus on budda but the do not worship him or any god.

Where is a Buddhist's place of worship?

A vihara