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To begin with the term 'retards' is a slur and should not be used. Mentally challenged or similar words are much better. These people are no different that any other person and, if baptized and living their faith to the best of their ability, will be accepted into Heaven.

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Q: Where do Catholics believe retards go when they die?
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What do Catholics believe in violence?

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholicism believes in Our Blessed Savior who came to earth to make atonement for our sins and enable us to go to heaven. Our Blessed Savior taught us to offer the other cheek, and to not refuse the man who compells us to go a mile with him. Catholics, as a religion, do not believe in violence.

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In principle, there is no reason why they shouldn't. But in the end, it's down to the individual, not the denomination they have attached themselves to.

What is another word for beyond?

to eithr go farther or go past something ur welcome retards