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They are extinct. the last one was trapped in 1903 in Moreno, California.

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Q: Where do Long Eared Kit Fox live?
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What is the difference between a kit fox and a swift fox?

The swift fox, native to the Great Plains of southern Canada and the norther US and also called a kit fox, is classified as Vulpes velox. The long-eared kit fox, which lives in arid regions of the southwestern US and northern Mexico, is classified as Vulpes macrotis. This goes along with what was said above but where they live. My favorite animal, the kit fox lives in warm places because of it's large ears so it can easily stay cool, the swift fox can live in cooler places.

Is the kit fox found in the Negev Desert?

No, the kit fox is an American fox and does not live in the Middle East.

Do kit fox foxes live together?

it depends on the fox some do and some dont / like the red fox or the kit fox

Do kit foxes like to live together?

it depends on the fox some do and some dont / like the red fox or the kit fox

Where does the kit fox live?

North America , especially in USA

How many foxes live in the US?

U.S. fox species:Red Fox Gray Fox Arctic Fox (Alaska) Kit Fox Swift Fox

Do you know any other species of foxes than red and gray foxes?

Fennec Fox Arctic Fox Culpeo Fox Kit Fox Cape Fox Island Fox Corsac Fox Bat Eared Fox There are many more.

Why is the kit fox named the kit fox?

A young fox is correctly called a cub, not a kit.

What is the common name for a kit fox?

a kit fox

Where do the California kit foxes live?

Cub foxes live in groups and Adult foxes live in pairsScrub, chaparral, grasslands

Does a fox live in the desert?

In the Americas, there are several species of fox found in the desert - gray fox, red fox and kit fox - are all seen in the deserts of the southwest.

Is a kit fox a mammal?

Yes a fox kit is a mammal.