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from Quran, Muslims holy book that reflects real God word revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is an Arabic word that means gathering .

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Q: Where do Muslims get the name Jumuah prayer?
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What does jumu'ah tul wida celebrate?

jumuah tul wida is the last jumuah prayer of ramadhan, its just a goodbye prayer and an oppurtunity to do dua for the year to come,

What day do Muslims come together and pray?

Friday, Jumuah

How many rakat in jumma prayer for women?

Jumuah prayer is prayed the same way for both men and women, as are all prayers in Islam. Jumuah prayer consists of listening to a sermon for a certain amount of times, which is divided into two sections, seen when the imam sits on the minbar and rises again. Then, a congregation prayer consisting of two rakat is performed.

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What are the mats called Muslims worship on?

The mats that the Muslims use for worship are called prayer mats. In the Islamic culture, the name for the prayer mat is sajjada.

What is a subhah for Muslims?

subhah is prayer beads there is 90 beads and muslims can actually move there fingers and spell your name on the beads :)

Which surah in the quran talaks about salatul jumuah?

I'm not sure but I think Surat Jumuah.

Why do Muslims worship the kabba?

Muslims don't worship the kabba but the kabba is the direction of prayer for Muslims after Jerusalem was the direction of prayer. first Jerusalem was the direction of prayer for Muslim then a verse in the quran ordered Muslims to switch their direction of prayer from Jerusalem to the kabba.

How ofton do Muslims pray?

Muslims pray five times aday, Dawn prayer "Alfajr" Noon prayer "Azzuhr" Afternoon prayer "Alasr" Evening prayer "Almaghrib" Night prayer "Aleshaa"

What are the names of the towers from which Muslims are called to prayer?

They have different name in various languages. In Urdu they are called Minars.

What did Muslims write on a prayer mat?

Muslims used to write in hieroglyphics

What is sijada?

Prayer mat for Muslims