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Q: Where do Orcas live in Canada?
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Where do orcas live in Antarctica?

Orcas do not live in Antarctica. Antarctica is a continent and orcas are marine animals. Orcas swim in the Southern Oceans that surround the Antarctic continent.

Where do baby whales live?

It depends on the species of whale. Humpback whales live in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Orcas live in colder waters near Alaska and Canada.

Do orcas and megamouth sharks live in the same place?

yes! orcas and megamouth sharks do live in the same place

Do Orcas eat Platypuses?

No, they would never meet. Orcas live in the oceans. Platypuses live in streams and rivers of Australia.

Orcas live and hunt in what?


Do orcas have eggs or live birth?

Orcas, or killer whales, give birth to live young, just like most mammals.

Do orcas eat manatees?

no orcas live in deep ocean waters while manatees live in freshwater oceans and tropical rivers

Can orcas live in freshwaters?

Yes. It's very rare, but orcas have been sighted in rivers.

Why are offshore orcas called offshore orcas?

Because that's where they live - offshore, far from the shore.

Do orcas eat freshwater manatees?

no orcas live in deep ocean waters while manatees live in freshwater oceans and tropical rivers

How long do Orcas live in Antarctica?

They are adapted to it.

Do orcas live in the bathyal zone?
