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peahens and peacock lay their eggs at a safe place some where safe so no one can find them and take them.

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Q: Where do Peahens female to Peacock lay their eggs?
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Related questions

How long is an female peacock pregnant?

Peahens do not become pregnant, they lay and sit on eggs.

Do peahens lay unfertilized eggs?

yes if there is no male peacock to breed them they will still lay eggs and set on them

Do peacocks hatch from eggs?

Yes they do because when I had a female bird. The female will lay eggs after they mate. After that maybe a few months later... The female has a new eggs but watch out if one or more eggs are missing to bad for you :( so ya they do lay eggs

Do peacock lay eggs?

No. The PeaCOCK is the male of the species of bird called PEAFOWL. Not surprisingly, it is the female of the species, PeaHEN, which lays the eggs. The eggs are a bit bigger in size than a chicken's egg.

How many eggs do peahens clutch?

Peahens lay 3 to 6 eggs

What color of eggs do peacocks lay?

The eggs of peahens are an off white/light beige color. They are the approximate size of a goose egg. The peacock egg is a sort of cream color. Many people do paint them though.

Are babies born from eggs or does mother peacock gave birth?

Seeing that peacocks are birds, and all birds are hatched from eggs, a good guess is that yes peacocks are hatched from eggs. Also, the female peahens are hatched from eggs. The cocks are the ones with the long tail feathers and the hens are the ones without.

If Alberts peacock jumps over the fence onto Edwards property and lays an egg there whose egg is it?

Peacocks don't even lay eggs only peahens do

How many eggs do peckocks lay in a year?

None, peacocks are male. Peahens, the female peafowl lay 2-9 eggs yearly.

What predominant color is a peacocks egg?

Peacock's eggs are a dirty white. A peacock is actually the male and the peahen is the female. The male doesn't lay eggs.

How many eggs doe peahens lay?

10 eggs at one time. Im doing research on the Indian peacock so this should be right but im not for sure, since I found it on the internet.

When is a peacock's mating season?

Peacocks do not lay eggs. Peahens lay the eggs, from early spring into end of summer,that is if you keep removing them from the nest. They will lay the eggs on the ground and then stay with them for over a month. If you see where they lay them and remove them then new eggs will be laid. The male peacock mounts the female the same as all birds mate. If you have tame birds, you can keep them laying eggs for most of the year except winter. Keep the male away from the female, so they will not fertilize the eggs, by mating. I used to hard boil the eggs and feed the yolks to the outside birds. Hope that is what you wanted to know. Helen Also, if you are a child at the moment, don't worry. Your parents will teach you about fertilization when you are older.