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the portuguese man-of-war lives in the warm parts of all oceans and have been strongly found in Costa Rica and in Hawaii.

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Q: Where do Portuguese Jellyfish live?
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What type of jellyfish live near ft lauderdale fl?

Florida's water is home to many species of jellyfish. Examples include by-the-wind sailor jellyfish, mushroom cap jellyfish, box jellyfish and sea nettle. The Portuguese man-of-war also live near Fort Lauderdale, but is not actually a jellyfish.

Can a Portuguese man-of-war kill a jellyfish?

great question, yes a portuguese man-of-war can kill a jellyfish.

Why is the Portuguese man of war not a jellyfish?

The portuguese man of war is not a jellyfish because its sting cannot be cured by pouring vinegar.

Is a Portuguese now classified as a jellyfish?

in some parts of portuguese they believe in that but mostly ... no .

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The jellyfish live in jellyfish fields.

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Who would win a fight a box jellyfish or a Portuguese man of war?

The box jellyfish since it has stronger and more powerful toxic than the portuguese man of war.

Do Portuguese man of war have backbones?

A Portuguese man of war is similar to a jellyfish, so it has no backbone.

What is the biggest jellyfish underworld?

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What is The phylum of portuguese?

Phlum cnidaria (jellyfish, corals etc).