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Catholics can pray anywhere, they don't have a certain place where they can only pray. They pray in places like churches, their home, or wherever

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Q: Where do Roman Catholics pray?
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The difference between Muslims and Roman Catholics is that the Muslims pray to Allah and read the Quran. They believe if the submit their whole lives to Allah, they will experience true freedom. Roman Catholics pray to God and read the Holy Bible. Catholics believe the New Testament is the word of God.

Do Catholics pray to statues?

No, Catholics do not pray to statues. Catholics pray to God, Jesus, and ask Saints to pray for them.

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Roman Catholic AnswerUkranian Catholics ARE Roman Catholics, so NO, they Mass if not like Roman Catholics it is Roman Catholic.

Why do Catholics pray through the priest?

Catholics do not pray through the priest. The priest prays and the congregation responds. Or the priest and the congregation pray together.

How can catholics pray during lent?

pray like normal

What day do Catholics pray for the sick?

.Catholic AnswerThere really is not special day, Catholics pray for the sick every day.

What day do Catholics remember and pray especially for those who are sick?

Catholics pray for the sick every day, there is no special day reserved for this.

Who do Catholics pray to?

When Catholics pray they are always praying to God whether its directly or indirectly. They Pray directly to God, or they pray to His saints, or Mary for their intersession.Catholics pray to the same people that other Christians do, Jesus and God. Additionally Catholics may ask certain individuals such as Mary or the Saints to intercede on their behalf, because those Saints have God's ear so to speak..Catholic AnswerCatholics define prayer or praying as the word as traditionally been understood in English, to politely beseech or ask, as in "Pray, continue to explain..." Protestants use the word "pray" to mean "adoration" or "worship" of God, this is not the Catholic understanding of prayer and when we say that we pray to saints, it is no different than asking a friend to pray for you, we do not mean that we are giving saints the adoration that is due to God alone - this is a misunderstanding with the traditional definitions of the words involved. Thus, Catholics normally pray to God, they also pray to their Guardian Angel, their patron saint, other favorite saints, etc. It has been a common Christian belief, actually going back to when we were all Jews, that God assigns an angel to each of us to guard us through life. This angel, our assigned "Guardian" thus prays for us regularly to God, and we can certainly ask his help when we are in need. Catholics believe that the most powerful intercessor is Our Blessed Lady, as evidenced by her intercession for the wedding couple they ran out of wine. We believe that Our Blessed Lord loves His mother very much and always listens to her pleas. This is based on the Scriptures where the Queen Mother interceded for the people. See 1 Kings 1:17, 2:18. Also see the related question below, on why Catholics pray to Mary.

Why do Roman Catholics lay on the floor when they pray?

Catholics do not normally pray while in such a position. However, there is no prescribed manner for praying and any posture is suitable when praying in private. There are a few times when a priest will prostrate himself on the floor - during his ordination and during Good Friday services at the Adoration of the Cross.

How do catholics pray and how often?

We Pray The Prayers Jesus Taught Us. And We Pray As Often As We Want. And they pray twice when they sing!

Why do Catholics pray in a church?

I am a catholic and we pray in Church to show our respect to God

What religions pray to saints?

The Catholics pray to Saints. They believe they are in heaven with God and pray on our behalf as well.