

Where do baby's really come from?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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YA MUM!...nah seriously.

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the mothers womb

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Where do babys come for?

Babys come from hell

Can pretty babys come out of pretty humans?

yes!!! pretty babys can come out of pretty humans

Why do babys come out slow?

because they can

Do babys eat enchiladas?

Yes they do and then the enchilada come out of their bellybutton!

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their haveing babys

Is makeup really made out of babys?

No. Where would you have ever heard such a thing?

Do vagina's hurt when babys come out?

Yes the do! Sometimes they can rip to the anus.

Can you feel a babys heartbeat from outside at 24 plus weeks?

well not really

How can you hear your babys heartbeat at home?

lie down in the bath with your ears uder the water like your washing your hair!! make sure its really quiet, first you will hear your heartbeat then you will hear the babys, you know its the babys because its double the speed of yours!!

What makes a baby is it sex?

no babys come in a can you can find them in mexican supoermarkets on tuesdays and thursdays

How many babys can a black rhino have at one time?

They can have one but 3-4 can come out.

Does a macaroni stay with its babys or leave them?

Yes, because the baby's sometimes come out as featherless.