

Where do birds get oxygen from?

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10y ago

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Birds get oxygen from the atmosphere, the same as humans do.

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Q: Where do birds get oxygen from?
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Do birds breathe oxygen or carbon dioxide?

birds breathe oxygen.

Do penguins breathe oxygen on the air or water?

Penguins are birds and like all birds they get oxygen by breathing air.

Do birds breath oxygen?

Birds breath air, just as we humans do, their respiratory system extracts the oxygen which they need to live, again just as we do.

How can birds respire at high altitudes?

Birds have a proportionally greater surface area within the lungs for oxygen intake during flight. Birds that are frequent high-fliers also have hemoglobin with a higher oxygen affinity, allowing for better oxygen transfer. The capillaries of birds are also more efficient, keeping oxygen delivered to extremities.

How do birds receive oxygen?

through holes in there bill

Where can you find a forest?

Where there are birds, and animals, and more oxygen.

Which part does birds use to take in oxygen?

Their beak??

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How is a birds circulatory system an advantage?

There will never be any mixing of oxygen-rich blood and oxygen-poor.

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Oxygen, birds, bugs, water...

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They need to supply oxygen-rich blood for flight.

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