

Where do coconuts comes from?

Updated: 7/11/2022
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Q: Where do coconuts comes from?
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Which tree does coconuts and raffia come from?

Coconuts come from the coconut palm and raffia comes from fronds of the palm Raphia.

Why are the coconuts standing in a row?

The phrase comes from a song written by English song writer Fred Heatherton in 1944 and made famous by American singer Danny Kaye. The idea was that the coconuts were for sale by a vendor and placed in a row for the customers to see before buying. And a lovely bunch of coconuts they were!

What does Hypothetical?

It comes from the word hypothesis.The easiest way to explain it is to use it in a sentence."What is the air speed velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut?""Swallows do not carry coconuts.""Ok well, hypothetically, what would it be if they did carry coconuts?"

What is the Collective noun for coconuts?

Collective nouns for coconuts are a bunch of coconuts or a cluster of coconuts.

Are coconuts nuts?

no coconuts are a seed .

How many coconuts you need to make 3 cups of juice?

Since most companies drain the juice out of their coconuts you may need to buy coconut juice instead of a plain coconut. The juice comes in cans mostly.

What spanish speaking countries did coconuts come from?

Scientists are fairly certain at this point that coconuts came from South Asia, either from India or Sumatra--that's still up for debate. The name "coconut" actually comes from Portuguese.

What does hypothetically mean?

It comes from the word hypothesis.The easiest way to explain it is to use it in a sentence."What is the air speed velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut?""Swallows do not carry coconuts.""Ok well, hypothetically, what would it be if they did carry coconuts?"

What hypothetical means?

It comes from the word hypothesis.The easiest way to explain it is to use it in a sentence."What is the air speed velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut?""Swallows do not carry coconuts.""Ok well, hypothetically, what would it be if they did carry coconuts?"

What country does the coconut come from?

Coconuts are believed to have originated in the Indo-Malay region, which includes countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Today, coconuts are grown in tropical regions around the world.

Where are the coconuts in Dizzywood for the Collect Coconuts Dizzy Activity?

The coconuts are all in Farthing's Meadow.

Are the Coconuts seed of coconuts palm or coconuts bushes?

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