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Q: Where do electrons exist in an atom and what is their change?
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A strontium atom differs from a stontiun ion in that the atom has a greater what?

electrons. Ions exist when an atom gains or loses electrons

What do electrons exist in?

Electrons are found in orbitals outside the nucleus of an atom.

Can an atom with 50 protons and 2electrons exist?

No it can't. There has to an equal amount of electrons as protons! This atom can't exist.

How many total electrons and valence electrons are found in an atom of An?

The symbol An doesn't exist.

Does an atom with negative charge nucleus exist?

No, only protons and neutrons exist in the nucleus of an atom. Electrons are what produce a negative charge.

What is the energy change that occurs when an atom gains electrons called?

The energy change that occurs when an atom gains electrons is called the

Are the electrons of an atom found in the nucleus along with the protons?

Electrons are never found in the nucleus of an atom, along with the protons. They exist in shells that surround the nucleus.

How many electrons are found in carbon atom?

A single atom of Carbon has 6 electrons, with 4 in the outer shell which it will use to react

What are electons that are found at the atom's highest or outer level called?

Valence electrons. They exist in the atom's valence shell.

What change will occur if an atom gains electrons?

The atom becomes a negative ion.

How does an atom acquire a change?

An atom acquires a charge by losing or gaining electrons.

How did Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom differ from the previous model?

Bohr stated that electrons do not emit radiation unless they change energy states. Bohr stated that the energy of electrons exist in discrete states.