

Where do flies hatch their eggs?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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The flies hatch their eggs usually in dead and decaying organic material, such as garbage or faeces to feed.

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Q: Where do flies hatch their eggs?
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How are flies formed?

They hatch from eggs.

Where do flies begin their life?

Flies start out as eggs that hatch into maggots. Maggots hatch as larvae, larvae hatch as pupae, and pupae turn in to house flies.

How do maggots get in your house?

Flies lay their eggs and they hatch as maggots

Why do flies lay eggs on spoiled eggs?

Flies lay eggs in spoiled meat because it is moist. Also once the eggs hatch it provides the maggots with plenty of food to eat.

Why do flies have maggots when they die?

Flies lay their eggs and when they hatch, it forms the maggot's, the fly larva , before they develop into flies.

Do flies die when they have maggots?

Flies lay their eggs and when they hatch, it forms the maggot's, the fly larva , before they develop into flies.

Do house flies come from maggots?

No flies lay maggots, flies lay eggs, these eggs will hatch into maggots.

How do magets get om food?

Maggots are the larvae of regular flies which lay there eggs in old food/meat/faeces. These eggs hatch into maggots which eventually become flies. So it goes, eggs ---> maggots ---> flies

How respiration happens in flies?

It Helps Flies Move around leaving them Resipritated and warm to hatch and lay eggs

Do maggots lay eggs?

Err no. Maggots are the beginning stage of flies. Flies lay the eggs, which then hatch into larve that later become Maggots.

Are flies born full size?

No. Flies lay eggs, which hatch into maggots, which become pupae, which then become flies.

How many flies are hatched at one time?

Anywhere from 75 to 150 flies can hatch at one time. A female fly can hatch over 9000 eggs during her life.