

Where do freckles come from?

Updated: 9/7/2023
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13y ago

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Freckles, Party of Two Thousand?The major human pigment is called melanin and it is produced by cells in the skin called melanocytes. Melanin production is controlled by genetics as well as exposure to sunlight. If a person is dark skinned, then his/her melanocytes are metabolically more active and make not only more melanin but also a darker variety of the pigment. Everyone except albinos have the ability to produce melanin. When a person is exposed to sunlight, the melanocytes are stimulated to make more melanin. Evolutionary biologists think this is due to the protection from harmful U.V. radiation that darker skin affords to dark skinned people. Since we think that the first humans lived in very sunny areas, it makes sense that those people who didn't die of skin cancer (caused by too much sun exposure) would be the ones to pass their genes on to their offspring. Freckles are small patches of melanin that accumulate in the skin and can be made more noticable and more abundant by sun exposure. They are more usual in light skinned people, particularly people with reddish hair. This is due to genetics and freckles don't seem to play any role in disease or in any other aspect of one's life. They neither harm nor help - they just are!! If you have them, enjoy them as many people think that they are nice looking.
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No, you don't get freckles from sunburn, but for some people when they try to tan, they get freckles instead of a tan. So I hope I answered your question. ~Gigglybeth :)

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Yes, freckles can be genetic. Freckles also can come from being in the sun. Freckles contain a pigment called melanin. This pigment comes out more when exposed to sun and on light or fair skinned people.

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Elves usually don't but they could because freckles come from being in the sun. Katy Perry once said they were "Sun Kisses".

How do you get fid of freckles?

Well freckles are caused by the pigment in your skin so you are more prone to freckles if your fair skinned, sometimes freckles disappear in winter and Come back in summer, but usually people have them all year around. Freckles are skin damge, so make sure to wear suncream. You can use Concealer and Foundation to minimise them. Hope this helps...............................................................................................

A man and a woman are both heterozygous Freckles are dominant over no freckles What are the chances their children will have freckles?

a 100% chance for freckles.

Does kesha have freckles?

Yes she does have freckles. In photos they look like real freckles.

Does christian beadles have freckles?

No, he does not have freckles.

Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for freckles Freckles F are dominant over no freckles f What is the chances that their child will have freckles?

PHENOTYPE: 75% with freckles 25% without freckles GENOTYPE: 1FF:2Ff:1ff

Are freckles dominant recessive or dominant dominant?

dominant genes for freckles

Where do freckles com from?

Who cares about freckles anyway??

Are freckles infectious?

no, freckles are beautiful , they don't cause any infections nor can you "catch" freckles