

Where do frogs give birth?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Where do frogs give birth?
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Can frogs give birth in tap water?

No, frogs cannot give birth anywhere. They lay eggs.

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Frogs do not give birth. They lay eggs.

When do frogs usually give birth?

frogs give brirth in slow moving water near shore under rocks,tree bark and fallen trees. They give birth in march to may.

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Give live birth.

Does a toad give live birth?

Frogs and Toads lay eggs the one exception is the Nectophrynoides it has been known to give live birth.

Do frogs give birth to live babies or eggs?

Frogs lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young. They lay sometimes hundreds of them and some eventually hatch into tadpoles and become frogs themselves.

What kind of frogs give live birth?

None. Frogs are amphibians and all amphibians start off as eggs, then tadpoles, and then eventually frogs.

Why do frogs give birth to lots of eggs?

Frogs lay a lot of eggs because a lot of animals eat tadpoles and small frogs including other frogs.

Do frogs lay eggs or give birth to living babies?

Frogs lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young. They lay sometimes hundreds of them and some eventually hatch into tadpoles and become frogs themselves.

Why frogs lay a lot of eggs in water?

its more easy to give birth in water

Do crocodiles lay eggs or give live birth?

Most, but not all, species of frogs are oviparous; that is, they lay eggs in order to reproduce. Some species of frogs give birth to live young, such as members of the African genus Nectophrynoides and other species found in the Andes and Central America.