

Where do hurricanes usually appear?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Along the equator and oceans. It's this combination of moisture and heat that creates hurricanes.

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Q: Where do hurricanes usually appear?
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Do hurricanes usually appear in the tropical zones?

Yes. A hurricane is a tropical cyclone.

Where hurricanes appear?

Hurricanes appear near the ocean because a hurricane waves come from the water in the ocean. Hurricanes can create big winds and storms to other place that can be near by!!!!

Why do hurricanes appear?

three words: wind patterns.

Can hurricanes form in the middle of the ocean?

Yes, that is where hurricanes usually form.

Are hurricanes rare in NY?

Yes. Hurricanes don't usually go that far north.

Why do we name hurricanes?

We usually name hurricanes, so that if there are multiple hurricanes occurring simultaneously, it won't be confusing and it might protect people.

Why do hurricanes only appear on the east of the US?

This is not true. It is true that most U.S. hurricane do impact the east, Atlantic hurricanes also frequently impact other countries. There are also Pacific hurricanes, but due to the general wind direction in that part of the world, these storms usually stay at sea. In other parts of the world storms that are essentially the same thing as hurricanes are called typhoons, cyclones, or tropical cyclones.

Can hurricanes last several days?

Yes. Hurricanes usually last for days or even weeks.

Do hurricanes come in the summer?

Yes. Hurricanes usually form in the late summer or early fall.

Where do hurricanes form in June?

June Hurricanes usually form in the Western Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.

When hurricanes occur?

they usually occur in summer

What region do hurricanes usually occur in?
