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Q: Where do i authenticate my Michelangelo painting for free?
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What is the famous painting with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci in the middle?

There is no such famous painting. Raphael's School of Athens has Michelangelo in the middle, but no Leonardo.

Did Michelangelo hate painting?

Yes he did. He considered sculpting to be superior to painting.

Is Michelangelo's painting of the 'Angel' in the 'Met'?

There is no Michelangelo painting 'The Angel'. His famous 'Angel' sculpture is part of 'Arc of St Dominic' in Bologna, Italy.

With whom did Michelangelo do his apprenticeship in painting?


Where did Michelangelo live when he started painting?

In Florence.

What was Michelangelo's job?

Painting, sculpting and architecture.

Michelangelo What renaissance values are embodied in this painting?

What renaissance values are embodied in this painting?

Can we authenticate a painting?

Yes, it is possible to authenticate a painting by conducting a thorough analysis of its materials and techniques, provenance research, and possibly scientific testing such as carbon dating or chemical analysis. Consulting with art experts or appraisers can also help in determining the authenticity of a painting.

What year did Michelangelo begin painting?

His earliest known painting is from 1488. He preferred sculpting.