

Where do monarch butterflies start in before the migrate?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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All over the US. But usually they come from Canada.

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Q: Where do monarch butterflies start in before the migrate?
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When butterflies migrate for winter how many hours do they fly in a day?

Butterflies tend to fly during daylight hours when the migrate. Therefore when butterflies migrate for the winter they most likely start their journey around sun up and end before sunset.

What colors is a baby monarch?

Monarch butterflies start their lives out as caterpillars. A 'baby monarch' would be a monarch caterpillar. Monarch caterpillars striped black and yellow along their back.

What is the relationship between the life cycle and the migration pattern of the monarch butterfly?

The relationship between the life cycle and the migration pattern of the monarch butterfly Monarch butterflies are not able to survive the cold winters of most of the United States so they migrate south and west each autumn to escape the cold weather. The monarch migration usually starts in about October of each year, but can start earlier if the weather turns cold sooner than

Why do butterflies migrate every year?

Butterflies are cold-blooded and thrive in warmer weather. Migration typically starts in October every year but can start earlier if the weather is cold sooner. They also migrate because larval food plants do not grow in cold weather. Butterflies fly back up north when plants are plentiful.

Do individual monarch butterflies make the entire seasonal migration or is it generational?

It is generational. The butterflies that start the migration at the end of summer/beginning of fall are several generations removed from the ones the come back in the spring.

What butterflies that start with the letter M?

These are the names of butterflies that start with the letter M, hope it helps you out! Malachite Malay lacewing map butterfly Marbled White Marsh Fritillary Mazarine blue Meadow Brown Meleager's Blue Monarch Madame

Where do Canadian geese start originally before they migrate?

They start from wherever they make their summer home.

What are the characteristics of an adult butterfly?

Butterflies are insects known as Lepidoptera. They start as caterpillars. As adult butterflies, they have an abdomen, head, and thorax. They have four wings covered in colored scales.

Why do butterflies have to dry their wings off before they start flying?

Because then they will sink like a rock due to the 'heavy' water.

Do blue tit's migrate?

they do not migrate so if they do start to i will let you no

How can I start my own butterfly garden?

Butterfly gardens require flowers which produce good nectar. Having a variety of Hibiscus, Daylilies, Aster, and other high nectar flowers will attract more butterflies. Butterflies also prefer to lay their eggs in certain food plants. Ensuring some Monarch or Morning cloak, can entice females to lay their eggs, bringing more butterflies.

Where do blue-tits migrate to?

they do not migrate so if they do start to i will let you no