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Q: Where do most hurricanes develop?
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Do tornadoes come from clouds and hurricanes?

Tornadoes develop during thunderstorms, which are themselves giant cumulonimbus clouds. Some tornadoes are produced by hurricanes, but most are not.

What countries can Hurricanes be formed in?

Hurricanes don't form in countries because they cannot develop over land. Most countries that border an ocean in or near the tropics, generally on the west side of the ocean, can get hurricanes.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over what?

Hurricanes develop over warm ocean water. Tornadoes usually form over land.

Tornados and hurricanes develop over?

Hurricanes develop over warm ocean water while tornadoes usually form over land.

Hurricanes form over what type of sea?

Hurricanes develop over warm seas.

Are all hurricanes formed the same way?

No ..... hurricanes are not formed in the same way some can be stronger some can be lighter. Most hurricanes form from tropical disturbances that organize and intensify. However, some hurricanes develop when a subtropical or extratropical low takes on tropical characteristics.

What kind of pressure will tornadoes and hurricanes develop in?

Both tornadoes and hurricanes are associated with low pressure.

Why are hurricanes most likely to affect islands and coastal regions?

Hurricanes are systems the develop over tropical ocean water and quickly lose strength when they hit land. Therefore most of their impacts on humans will be on islands and in coastal areas.

Can hurricanes and tornadoes develop from a thunderstorm?

I am pretty sure they can.

Do hurricanes start over warm water?

Yes. Hurricanes develop over warm ocean water.

Cyclonic low pressure storms of high winds that develop over water are called?


Which region do Texas hurricanes ocurr?

Since hurricanes develop over the ocean, the hurricanes that impact Texas strike it along the Gulf Coast.