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well there are many muscles that can move the femur in one way or another. 1 of the quadriceps can move the femur (rectus femoris) which attaches to the front of the ilium. All 3 hamstring muscles can move the femur backwards and all attach to the ischial tuberosity. The adductor muscles can move the thigh and all 3 attach to the pubis.

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A. Iliotibial tract

B.Os coxae

C.Sacral spine

D.Head of the femur

E. Linea alba

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Q: Where do most muscles that move the thigh originate at?
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What muscle extends the thigh?

There are many different muscles that help to move the thigh. The adductor Magnus is the muscle that extends the thigh. It also laterally rotates and flexes the thigh.

What is a bluedeus maxamus?

The gluteus maximus is the largest of three muscles in each buttock that move the thigh.

Which muscles make your legs move?

thigh muscles and calf muscles . . Drew Andrianne C. Empuerto . . Thats my name . . ! !

Should you be able to move your kneecaps around by flexing the muscles in your thigh?

Yes, that is normal human anatomy/physiology.

Are there different type of muscles?

There are 3 types of muscles. Striped muscles are the ones that move the bones in your body, like your calf muscles, biceps and thigh muscles. You can feel them and see them. smooth muscles move food through your intestines and also help you swallow. Cardiac muscle is what your heart is made of, and it doesn't get tired.

Is a thigh involuntary?

No. Thigh in voluntary. You can move it as per your will.

What muscles move the most?

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What muscle is used to move the leg out sideways and which muscle moves it back?

Moving the leg "sideways" is known as abducting the thigh. The gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus) are mostly responsible for this (there are also some small muscles that help abduct the thigh when the leg is flexed). Bringing the leg back is known as adducting the thigh. This is done by several muscles known as the adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and the gracilis. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

What are the bones that move muscles called?

All muscles can move, but only skeletal muscles are voluntary. The cardiac and the smooth muscles cannot be moved by your will, but skeletal muscles can be.

Which part of the body requires the most muscles to move?

the face

How many muscels do you use when you take a step?

While taking a step, you move your thigh and your hip backward. The gluteus muscles in your butt and key muscles like semitendinosus, biceps femoris and semimembranosus found in the hamstrings at the back of the thigh are involved. A small muscle at the top of the inner thigh called adductor magnus is also involved.

Why are there structural differences between cat and human in the muscle odf the thigh and lower leg?

The muscles in a cat's legs are different than that of a humans due to having a different body structure. Their muscles are different to be able to jump higher and move different ways.