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Yes, that is normal human anatomy/physiology.

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Q: Should you be able to move your kneecaps around by flexing the muscles in your thigh?
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How to push to pee?

Lay on your Stomach. And. Squzze your ballder really Hard. And push on your colen.

What happens to your muscles when your joint is bent?

When a joint is bent, the muscles around that joint contract and shorten. This causes the joint to move, resulting in the bending or flexing of the joint. The specific muscles involved and the degree of contraction depend on the joint and the movement being performed.

Are babies born without kneecaps?

to protect the joint

When does the bleeding stop after a septoplasty?

Afrin & Ice. Stop moving around. Everytime you increase the pressue inside of your body (bending, coughing, flexing any muscles) or increase your heart rate, your nose bleeds, so be quiet & calm.

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The dent is caused from the flexing of the tendons near your elbow. The flexing causes the sin around it to become taut and raised, thus causing the dent.

What muscles are around the pivot joint?

The muscles around the pivot joint are the Quadricep and the Hamstring muscles.

How do you stop your kneecaps from hurting after a long walk?

To prevent knee pain after a long walk, make sure to wear comfortable and supportive shoes, stretch before and after walking, and strengthen the muscles around your knees with exercises like squats and lunges. If pain persists, consider seeing a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

How many muscles are around a cow's eye?

0, there are no muscles in any animals eye

What the purpose of the abdominal muscles?

The smooth muscle tissue moves food (bolus) through the intestines. The skeletal muscles in the abdomen are in four groups; abdominus rectus, internal and external obliques and the deepest, the transverse abdominals. They are used in lifting the legs, rotating the torso etc. Their main purpose is to stabilize your body position while moving.

What is the name of the cartoon woman that has a bandanna around her head and has a tattoo on her uppper arm either mechanic or navy and is flexing?

That's Rosie the Riveter.

Are shoulders muscles?

deltoids are the back shoulder muscles and trapezoids are the muscles around the shoulder/neck/back area

Do birds have muscles?

Yes. That is how they move around and it is the muscles you are eating when you eat chicken