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plate boundaries

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Q: Where do most of earth's earthquakes volcanoes and mountain building occur geologically?
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What processes can be observed at the margins of lithospheric plates?

faulting, earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building.

What is tectonic activities?

Tectonic Activity- activity that occurs as a result of tectonic plate movement, for example: earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building in general.

What geological events occur at plate boundaries?

Technically mountains,earthquakes,volcanoes.......good luck

How earthquakes volcanoes and mountain's formation are related to plate tectonics?

Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains are formed via plate tectonics. When the large continental plates collide, they either cause temporary earthquakes, or more permanent features such as volcanoes and mountains.

A large belt of mountain ranges and volcanoes surrounds the pacific ocean. Which events are most closely associated with these mountains and volcanoes?


What happens when two contients collide?

Earthquakes and mountain building.

How are the location of earthquakes mountain ranges and volcanic activity related?

"Young" mountain ranges as well as earthquakes, volcanoes and tectonic plates tend to be located on or near the boundaries of tectonic plates.

Which event cannot be explained by the movement of the lithosphere plates tornadoes earthquakes volcanoes mountain formation?


What is a mobile belt?

A mobile belt is an elongate, narrow region of crust experiencing tectonic activity (e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building). When a mobile belt becomes tectonically inactive it is known as an orogenic belt.

What forms when continental crust converge with oceanic crust?

Deep sea trenches, Mountain ranges, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes.

How is plate tectonics responsible for mountain building volcanoes earthquakes and ocean trenches?

If your question is "How are earthquakes and volcanos triggered by plate tectonics?", then here is my best explanation. Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates smashing together and buckling either upward (Forms a volcano/mountain) or downward (forms a trench/faultline) to trigger an earthquake. If one of the plates goes under the other then I believe the magma leaks out and forms a mass of volcanic rock that can either create a land mass, or make an underwater volcano/mountain.

Why are faults important to know about?

Because faults are greatly related to Earthquakes and mountain building.