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Q: Where do movements of the earth's crust usually take place?
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Movements of earth's crust usually take place along a?


How and why does the earths crust vary from place to place?

The earths crust its 5-70km deep in the ocean and upto 100km deep at mountain ranges. At certain areas, the crust is unstable due to moving plate tectonics.

How and why does the earths crust varies from place to place?

The earths crust its 5-70km deep in the ocean and upto 100km deep at mountain ranges. At certain areas, the crust is unstable due to moving plate tectonics.

Why does the erosion take place in the crust?

Erosion happens in the earths crust and it happens because of that layer is exposed to that weather

What is a thin place on Earths crust called where a volcanoes can form?

HOTSPOTS are a place on the earth's crust in the middle of a tectonic plate where volcanoes get formed rapidly.

Does the mantle form plates that move?

no,the crust is where all of the techtonique plat movements take place.

Why is the earths crust is so important for human life to exist?

We live on the earth's crust that floats on molten magma. Which means we couldn't exist if there was no crust!

Why volcanoes are commonly found of the edges of earths moving plate?

This is where the weaknesses in the earths crust lie and it is the easiest place for lava to spew out of these weaker areas, therefore forming volcanoes

How do volcanoes takes place?

Volcanoes are essentially holes in the earths surface through which magma and lava can erupt. when pressure builds up below the earths crust, magma is then forced violently out of the volcanoes.

Is the focus of an earthquake the location inside the earths crust where the seismic event originally takes place?

yes couldnt say it better myself

In which layer does erosion take place?

In the Crust because it's the only place where there is wind

What is the difference between thin crust and regular crust pizza and which one does the average pizza place serve?

well it explains itself thin crust is when they thin out the bread dough and regular is more thicker crust at restaurants they usually serve regular