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Q: Where do northern Canadian aboriginals live?
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Where did the Aboriginals live?

northern ontario

What did Canadian aboriginals eat?

Canadian aboriginals ate fish kangaroos, people named joe because they didn;t like that name!

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what contintent did the aboriginals live in

Is Wolverine Canadian?

I think that he is still an canadian citizen. But i'm just guessing.

What Canadian provence or territory do polar bears live?

Most northern provences.

Where do Arctic wolves live in the Arctic?

Canadian arctic, northern parts of Greenland

Where do Canadian sparrows live?

Sparrows live in northern Canada, the northern border of the boreal forest in alaska, and tundra in the summer. In the winter the live in southern Canada or the United States.

A Canadian Aboriganal person?

A wide variety of North American Indian Tribes can be considered as Canadian Aboriginals.

What did Canadian Aboriginals eat and wear?

clothing made with animal skin

In what deserts do aboriginals live?

Aboriginals live in deserts in Australia, Africa, Asia, North America and South America.

When was Canadian Northern Railway created?

Canadian Northern Railway was created in 1899.

Why do aboriginals live in tribes?

Because they want to