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Q: Where do orang-utans live in the rainforest?
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What type of habitat does this species live in?

all types of orangutans live in the canopy of the rainforest

What climate orangutans live in?

Orangutans live in a tropical climate; they are most notably found in South American Countries near the equator.

Do orangutans live in the Amazon rain rainforest?

Orangs live in Asia. The Amazon is in South America. So Orangs don't live in the Amazon rainforest.

What layer of the rainforest do monkeys live in?

Orangutans live in the rainforest canopy. Other animals that live in the canopy are the sloth, toucans, parrots, spider monkeys, and lemurs. The layer under the canopy is called the understory and the layer below that is the rainforest floor.

Why are orangutans indangared?

Orangutans are endangered because people are cutting down their habitat, the rainforest, causing them to die.

In the rainforest what layer does the lemur live on?

the canopy emergent forest floor or ya

What can orangutans live to?

Orangutans can live up to the age of 50.

What habitat do orangutans have?

Orangutans are native to Sumatra and Borneo (in Indonesia), and some on Malaysia.they live on borneo and sumtra

How do orangutans maintain their food source?

About half of the orangutans diet is fruit, lucky for them in the rainforest fruit is on the trees all year.

Do orangutan live in groups?

No, orangutans do not live in groups they live with there family.

Are orangutans born live or from eggs?

Orangutans are mammals, so the are born live.

Where did orangutans use to live?

orangutans lived in tropical island