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People may eat cactus body parts wherever the plants are grown. But they're more prone to include them in meals within the plant's native ranges of desert North and Latin America, and of jungle Latin America. For example, Bolivians prepare and eat the Neowerdermannia vorwerkii cactus like potatoes. Mexicans make the ripened pink fruits of the claret cup hedgehog cactus [Echinocereus triglochidiatus] into jam.

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Q: Where do people eat cactus plants?
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Can people eat desert cactus?

Cacti are producers! Producers are plants and plants do not 'eat' other plants.

Do desert bugs eat cactus plants?

Yes, desert bugs eat cactus plants.Specifically, arid, dry, hot climates are home to bugs as well as to cactus plants. Bugs such as aphids, leaf-footed bugs, and mealy bugs enjoy desert life, where they will attack cactus plants. They will be joined by arachnids such as spider mites and insects such as the cactus moth in its larval stage as a plant-devouring caterpillar.

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Are cactus plants healthy?

Yes, cactus plants are healthy. They try to meet their daily water requirements. They try to eat their nutrients, mainly in the form of dissolved minerals and trace elements. They take in vitamin D through their interactions with sunlight. As the saying goes, you are what you eat. And cactus plants are sources of vitamins A, B, and C; and of iron.

What do coyotes eat in the desert?

Well, according to the results, It appears that they are carnivorous, and they also consume/eat plants like cactus, and other plants.

What do people eat while in the desert?

They eat cactus and drink cactus juice although you might go crazy for a while. Hehehehehehe!

Is a cactus a herbivore?

A cactus is a carnivore; they enjoy eating desert foxes and the odd rat or two.


Cactus, like other plants, uses photosynthesis to get energy.

What do camel eat at the dessert?

Camels eat cactus and other plants grown in deserts. Their thick lips do not allow the thorns to prick them.