

Best Answer

If you are talking about the moutain cliff side you will go to the boat i think or either all of the other ones if you get the chaet you will unlock every thing for the ps2 the cheat is (gnome) L1 R1 UP X R2 then to unlock all locations you do CIRCLE L2 LEFT CIRCLE UP CIRCLE hope i helped lovelove sincerely the 14 year old sims 2 obsessed girl hehehe....

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Q: Where do people go when they leave the hotel in Sims 2?
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Can you make a hotel on Sims 2 open for business?

no, you must have the bon voyage expansion to go to a hotel, but it is impossible to own a hotel.

How do sims have babies on sims 2 hotel?

Go in the bed or hotub and click cuddle then click try for a baby.

What happens to the people who have to leave there homes because of natural disasters?

They go and stay with family, relatives, or at a hotel somewhere while thoose who didn't leave die.

How do you not have youre sims go to school on The Sims 2?

Just keep cancelling out the got to school action and the bus will leave without them.

My sims won't move out in sims 2?

if you want any sims to move out, then all you have to to do is get the news paper and click on "find own place" then you choose who want to go and they will leave.

What can you do in sims 2 bon voyage?

In Sims 2 bon voyage you can go on holiday! If you want to go on holiday then go on the phone and you can book your flight. But if you don't want to stay in a hotel then before you book a flight go on your phone and say that you want to stay at a holiday home. In the holiday home you can play in the sea and sand while in the hotel you can get room service! When you make your Sims there is a variety of new clothes that will be your everyday. You can even go on tours when your on your hols! I have a lots of sims games evn the sims 3 but not all of the sims2 im hoping gor the sim2 pets for my bday!

Why do people go to hotels?

The very nice ambiance of the hotel, the accommodation, the facilities and so on.

How do you get into the penthouse on the Sims 2 on Nintendo DS?

to get into the penthouse you use the elevator in the hotel lobby.tap the button that says penthouse and you can go in.

What time do the Pittsburgh Steelers leave the hotel to go to Cowboys Stadium?

3 pm

What is resort hotel?

A fashionable hotel in an area where many people go for recreation

How do you get more people in my Sims?

It's so EASY! Just go up each star level n check the hotel every morning n there will be more people. But you have to keep going up levels! Good Luck hope you understand!

How can you buy a Hotel in sims 2?

i think you mean on the little acheivment bar thing? if so, the sim does not buy it personaly, if you just go to the buy stuff mode and purchase a bar, it will fufill his wants and earn you points