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Q: Where do people keep tobacco?
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What is in tobacco to make people keep smoking?

Nicotine, one of the most highly-addictive substances known.

Why is tobacco called tobacco?

tobacco means killing people

What makes tobacco?

People make tobacco. People grow the tobacco plant, pick the leaves, the leaves are dried and cut and this is what we call tobacco.

Does tobacco give hairy tongues?

Of course not. This is typical of the kind of old wives tales older people tell to keep young people from undesirable behaviors.

What is tobacco prevention?

preventing the sales of tobacco. Tobacco can kill people A very lucrative career.

How many people die from tobacco in Louisiana?

people die everyday in louisiana from tobacco use.

Can you use tobacco when you have a concussion?

It is best to keep smoking and tobacco use to a minimum, but an occasional cigarette won't hurt.

Is smoking tobacco will kill people a fact?

Yes, many people will die as a direct result of smoking tobacco or by being exposed to the smoke produced by other people smoking tobacco.

How many teenagers try tobacco products every day?

Because some teenagers try tobacco products, quit using tobacco products, and keep using tobacco products,there is no exact number.

How do people get hooked to smokeless tobacco?

It has in nicotine in it. That's what makes people get hooked on every tobacco product.

Do people smoke tobacco every where?

Yes almost in every country & state people smoke tobacco....

Is cannabis less harmful than fags?

F*a*g*s is a slang term for tobacco cigarettes. Tobacco cigarettes are Probably the most dangerous legal substance a person can consume. They are a leading cause of cancer. Cannabis can be dangerous, but, nowhere near as dangerous as tobacco. The Number one reason tobacco is legal in the USA and marijuana is not is because of Money. The rich tobacco companies, (and the people who smoke and chew tobacco), keep it legal. Money interests keep marijuana illegal. I am not saying you should smoke marijuana, (unless it's for medical purposes), however tobacco is Far more dangerous than marijuana.