

Where do pine seeds develop?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Where do pine seeds develop?
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Do pine cones have babies?

Pine cones are where the seeds for new pine trees develop.

What does a seed develop in a pine tree?

Pine cones mature, opening up and releasing the seeds. In some species of Pine, heat (such as from a fire) is needed to open the cones.

What types of seeds would be dispersed by animals?

pine seeds,berry seeds,and pine cone seeds

What partof the pine tree contains the seeds?

The pine cone holds the seeds.

What grows inside pine cones?

The Seeds of the Pine Tree … when the seeds mature, the pine cone opens, and the seed fall out.

How does a pine seed get out of a pine cone?

On ripening of seeds the cone axis alongates and the seeds get out by wind velocity

How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?

Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil. Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.

How are pine tree seeds dispersed?

through pine cones

What are the seeds of the Christmas or pine trees called?

Pine nuts

Are pine nut real nuts?

no. they are the seeds from pine trees

What grows inside cones?

The Seeds of the Pine Tree … when the seeds mature, the pine cone opens, and the seed fall out.

Do pine trees grow from pinecones?

They are pine tree seeds. The seeds in the cone will grow into a pine tree.