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The energy in the producers comes from the sun. It feeds the consumers. The decomposers ultimately release the energy from the consumers and the producers that were not consumed.

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Q: Where do producers consumers an decomposers obtain energy?
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How producers consumers and decomposers obtain energy?

producers obtain energy from water and sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers and decomposers obtain energy from comsumers.

How do organism in each of the three energy roles obtain chemical energy?

Producers Consumer Decomposer

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How do producers and consumers use their energy?

Consumers mainly obtain energy from the food that they eat. This means that their source of energy will be from the producers.

What do Consumers obtain energy by eating what and other consumers?

THey obtain energy by eating consumers and producers.

Where do living things obtain energy?

Living things get energy from food . Producers make their own food , with the aid of Sunlight . Consumers depend on the producers for their food . Secondary Consumers depend on the primary consumers for their food . Decomposers depend on the dead bodies of consumers and producers for food . So simply , Energy flows from Sunlight to plants to consumers to secondary consumers to Decomposers . That's how living things obtain their energy .

Name the three energy roles of organisms in an ecosystem?

The three energy roles in an ecosystem are producers, consumers, and decomposers. ;)

What obtains energy from producers?

All consumers obtain energy from producers. This is true even for carnivores because the energy is passed through every organism.

How dos animal get the energy they need to live?

consumers eat producers to obtain the energy they need to survive

Producers pass most of the the energy they obtain from sunlight to the first-order consumers?


How do and consumers obtain energy?

PRODUCERS: Producers obtain their food through a process called photosynthesis. The producer use sunlight, H20, CO2 and nutrients in the soil to create food (sugars and starches) and O2. CONSUMERS: Consumers obtain their food by consuming other organisms.

Do producers convert sunlight into energy or decomposers recycle energy as heat or consumers capture energy from sunlight or fungi eat plants to obtain energy?

producers use sunlight , water , and carbon dioxide to make a natural sugar called glucose. when producers and consumers die decomposers break down the remains of the dead animal or plant which enriches our soil to help our plants grow better. consumers eat other living things because they can't make their own food like the producers.In a food chain the first consumer is called the primary consumer because it's the first one that has to eat something else.