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1d ago

Scientists believe that the extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere primarily comes from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for energy, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities release carbon that has been stored in the Earth for millions of years, contributing to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

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Scientists who are concerned about increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere believe global warming is caused by?

... the burning of fossil fuels, which is adding extra carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

What do scientists suggest is the reason for global warming?

Burning fossil fuels adds extra carbon dioxide to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.Deforestation removes forests that used to take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How is climate change a problem for the carbon cycle?

Global warming means there is extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This is putting an extra strain on the carbon cycle, which is unable to remove all the extra carbon dioxide.

What happens to ordinary plants not C4 or CAM when stomata close?

Simply oxygen or carbon di oxide stop coming in. But the extra gases that need to be given out are simply diffused out through cuticle or other epidermal layers.

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the organism releases carbon dioxide as a waste, as an extra from creating energy it can use.

Does the greenhouse effect increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

No. The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm. Extra carbon dioxide added to it is causing global warming.

What human activities release extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

hair spray

How much carbon dioxide is emitted by burning one pound of coal?

Burning one pound of coal emits approximately 2.86 pounds of carbon dioxide.

What is the conclusion of deforestation?

Deforestation is a serious problem for the world. It removes valuable trees that absorb carbon dioxide from the air and store the carbon. This extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is one of the reasons we have global warming.

What happens when you add extra carbon dioxide to soda?

It gets extra bubbly and sometimes explodes and it tastes more spicy

What happen when extra carbon dioxide builds up in the atmosphere?

nothing will happen at all

What are the two main problems causing carbon dioxide in your atmosphere?

Deforestation has destroyed the trees that used to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, releases extra carbon dioxide.