

Where do the ducks migrate?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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14y ago

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Chessington world of adventure . its where all the cool kids are this spring ;);)

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Q: Where do the ducks migrate?
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Do farm ducks migrate?

No, and they have no desire to.

Do ducks migrate?

Yes. They migrate in no particular pattern. They sometimes don't need to migrate if the weather is good!

Where do redheaded ducks migrate to?

the same place

Why ducks classified as birds?

Ducks fly, lay eggs, have feathers, molt, migrate - all of which are bird characteristics.

Why comb ducks migrate to India in summer?

to escape harsh weather

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What kinds of animals migrate to or from the area where you live?

ducks, birds, butter flyes , and deers

Do ducks migrate every year?

To find a better habitat each time of the year.

Why Do Ruddy Ducks Migrate?

The migrate to breed in a cooler climate. I actually have a question too: How do make your own question? can someone please improve my answer and tell me the answer to *my* question?

Where do animels migerate to and from?

This answer depends on the species. For example ducks migrate from north to south or south to north depending on were you are in the world but other animles such as bears don't migrate and they hibernate.

Animals that migrate?

All animals migrate, unless they are able to stay in that environment through season changes.

How do ducks survive?

Mallards and other ducks (and swans, and geese) migrate yearly. During the winter, they fly south to warmer areas so that they can still live on open water and find food. They fly north again in the springtime.