

Where do the lakotas live today?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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12y ago

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Many of the Lakota tribes live on reservations in or near their original homelands and in Canada; others live off the reservations in many place around the USA and in other countries.

The reservations are:

  • Standing Rock reservation, SD (Blackfoot Sioux, Hunkpapa)
  • Cheyenne River reservation, SD (Minneconjou, Blackfoot Sioux, Two Kettle, No Bows)
  • Lower Brule reservation, SD (Brule)
  • Pine Ridge reservation, SD (Oglala, Brule)
  • Rosebud reservation, SD (Brule, Oglala)

Other Dakota and Nakota reservations are situated in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska.

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12y ago
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13y ago

In the Black hills of South Dakota. ( Northern part of the great plains)

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55000 people live in lokota.

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On the plains of North America.

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