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Q: Where do the molecules go after they move forward in a sound wave?
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Do sound molecules move perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation?

Sound molecules traveling through air is an example of a longitudinal wave. It moves parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

Do sound waves make molucules move?

When you say "sound wave", you MEAN moving molecules.

How does a sound wave move through molecules?

Sound wave travels from one part in to another part in air due to change in density of molecules from one point to another point

Explain the movement of the water molecules in waves?

In a transverse wave, a molecule/particle will move up and down, with double the amplitude of the wave. In a longitudinal wave, the molecule/particle will move side to side, equal to the wavelength (?) of the wave

Water travels in what kind of wave?

water travels as a transverse wave (meaning that the water molecules move in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the path of the wave. the molecules move up and down while the wave moves in horizontal direction).

What if the molecules from a sound wave are compressed?

Nothing. That IS how a sound wave is propagated.

How does sound go trough matter?

Sound is a wave- waves pass through a medium by disturbing adjacent molecules in the medium and causing displacement of these molecules. The displacement of these molecules in turn causes displacement of more molecules, and thus the wave propagates. For example, you say something to someone (an example more common day). This is a sound wave in air. The air molecules right in front of you get displaced, and begin to move up and down. Do the air molecules right in front of you actually move to the other person? No, instead their displacement causes displacement of other molecules, which gets passed along in a chain reaction manner until the molecules around the other person are displaced. In this manner, a wave propagates. Sound waves propagate through matter in the same way, except since the molecules are closer together than in a gas or liquid the wave can move faster. Thus, waves move faster in solids than in liquids or gas.

Why is soundwave can travel to all kinds of matterbut not to a vacuum?

a sound wave is the movement of the molecules of the material, so no molecules no sound wave.

In a sound wave what is moving?

the air molecules

What is a sound wave made of?

A sound wave is simply a vibration in the air molecules, or the molecules of some other substance. This vibration propagates as a wave, the energy gets transferred somewhere else.

Does sound travel faster than air or water?

Water. Sound is a vibration of molecules, and in air, the molecules are further apart than in water, so the sound wave needs less energy to move each particle away from the source.

What is sound wave made up of?

A sound wave is simply a vibration in the air molecules, or the molecules of some other substance. This vibration propagates as a wave, the energy gets transferred somewhere else.