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Q: Where do the people come from that go to the pilgrimage mecca?
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What pilgrimages do people today go on?

The most common pilgrimage is taken by Muslims; the Hajj, a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Why do people make pilgramages to mecca?

people pilgrimage to mecca to pray. That is one reason, but they also go there because that is where their Prophet (Muhammad) was born. This pilgrimage is like a coming of age type of thing. You are supposed to travel, or make the pilgrimage to, Mecca at least once in your life, to pray to Allah. It is the Muslims holiest city.

What is it called when a Muslim go to mecca?

A Muslim can go to Mecca at any time, but when Muslims around the world pilgrimage to Mecca together, it is called Hajj

Where do people go to on their pilgrimage?

In Islam we go to Hajj. In Mecca which is located in Saudi Arabia go to google to learn more about it.

Why do people go to mecca each year?

Each Muslim is obliged to observe Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) once in their lifetime when there is no financial and health issues.

Where do Islams go on a pilgrimage?

in this time they go to Mecca which is in saudia Arabia

Where do Islmaic peoples go to the pilgrimage?

Mecca is the main place.

Where do Muslims go on pilgrimage?

To Makkah ; exactly , to Arafat then Mosdalifah then Mina .

Who would go on a pilgrimage nowadays and where might they go?

A follower of Islam may make a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

What does the Hajj have in common with Lourdes?

The Hajj is a pilgrimage undertaken by Muslims who go to Mecca. Lourdes is a place of pilgrimage for Catholics. Millions of Muslims go each year to Mecca and millions of Catholics go each year to Lourdes.

Why is mecca important to southwest Asia?

Mecca is the holy place for muslims. They go there each year for a pilgrimage called hajj.

What do people do in a sacred place?

depends on the religion/way of life/cult ...muslim go to pilgrimage to mecca christian may go to vatican city(not neccesary)