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Q: Where do the umbilical arteries of a fetal pig terminate?
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How many types of of blood vessels are in the umbilical cord of a fetal pig?

it has two arteries along with a single vein

What organ leads to the umbilical cord in a fetal pig?

In a pig, the organ that the umbilical cord leads to is the liver. The liver is large and brown-red in color.

What runs on either side of the urinary bladder in the fetal pig?

the umbilical artery the umbilical artery

How does a fetal pig obtain energy?

A fetal pig is fed by its mother through an umbilical cord just like a human fetus.

What is the food source for a fetal pig?

A fetal pig is a fetus- not yet born, Unborn mammals receive their oxygen and nutrition through their umbilical cords that connect them to the placenta, which connects them to their mother,

Name the major mammalian characteristics that are exhibited by the fetal pig?

two are mammary papilla and umbilical cord

What is the Function of the umbilical arteries of pig?

It carries carbon dioxide and waste-laden blood from the fetus to the mother through the placenta.

What differences in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes account in a pig?

Humans and pigs both use the umbilical cord for fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes. Both send the waste back to the mother through the umbilical cord and then the mother excretes the waste.

What does the uterus do in a fetal pig?

Umbilical cord - The flexible cordlike structure connecting a fetus at the navel with the placenta and containing two umbilical arteries and one vein that transport nourishment to the fetus and remove its wastes.

Descibe the wall of the urinary bladder of fetal pig?

The wall of the urinary bladder of a fetal pig is a sack like organ located by the umbilical cord. When relaxed the walls appear to be folded.

In a fetal pig what is the scar that remains on the abdomen called?

The scar that you see on the abdomen of a fetal pig is where the umbilical cord was attached while they were inside of the female pig. This provided the baby pig with all the nutrients they needed.

What blood vessels run on either side of the urinary bladder in the fetal pig?

The umbilical artery runs on either side of the urinary bladder of a fetal pig. It carries the blood from the heart to the fetus.