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Q: Where do the yanomamo live?
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What do the yanomamo live in?

a continent

What was the Yanomamo peoples climate like?

The Yanomamo people live in the rain forests of Brazil. In "Yanomamo, The Fierce People", by Napoleon A. Chagnon he describes a lifestyle driven by the heat, humidity, and ecological advantages and disadvantages of such a climate.

What is a Yanomamo?

A Yanomamo is an indigenous people of around 250 villages spreading around Venezuela and Brazil, or the language group of this people.

What do Yanomamo people eat?


What sociological concept is best illustrated by Napoleon Chagnon's experience with the Yanomamo in the rain forests of Brazil?

the relativity of deviance

What national tribes live in the Amazon rain forest?

The Yanomamo--How we found it: Go to "Amazon River" on Wikipedia, click on "Colonial Encounters...", click on "indigenous peoples", once there click on "The Americas" there is a picture of a Yanomami village of the Amazon Rainforest. Click on Yanomami.

What has the author Davi Kopenawa written?

Davi Kopenawa has written: 'La chute du ciel' -- subject(s): Shamanism, Yanomamo Indians, Shamans

What has the author Claudia Andujar written?

Claudia Andujar has written: 'A Week in Bico's World' 'A Vulnerabilidade Do Ser' 'Yanomami' -- subject(s): Exhibitions, Yanomamo Indians, Pictorial works

What is something that the yanomamo people can do that we can't do?

Historically? Thrive in the rainforest for centuries, using only what nature gave them for food, water, warmth, shelter, toys, personal adornment, weaponry...not something I could manage, how about you?

What has the author Timothy Asch written?

Timothy Asch has written: 'Cape Breton 1952' -- subject(s): Country life, Interviews, Photography in ethnology, Pictorial works, Social life and customs 'Yanomamo'

Why did Neolithic people give up their nomadic lifestyle and settle in communites?

Neolithic people shifted to settled communities for reasons such as domesticating plants and animals for a more stable food supply, enabling the development of specialized skills and trade, and providing protection from external threats. Settlements also allowed for the growth of social structures and the development of more complex societies.

What has the author John F Peters written?

John F. Peters has written: 'Life among the Yanomami' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Changement (Sociologie), Yanomami (Indiens), Yanomamo Indians, Social change