

Where do toads give birth?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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8y ago

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Toads lay strings, while frogs lay clumps (spawn), of eggs in water. Each egg is covered in a protective jelly. The hatching tadpoles live in water until they develop internal lungs, grow legs and arms. They are then able to leave the water, and favour hiding beneath rocks where it is cool and damp.

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Q: Where do toads give birth?
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Does a toad give live birth?

Frogs and Toads lay eggs the one exception is the Nectophrynoides it has been known to give live birth.

Do toads give birth in water?

Toads don't give birth as such, they lay strings of eggs looking like small beads of clear jelly. But yeah, they (usually, depends on which specie and where it lives) lay these in water.

Do young toads have frogs?

No. Toads can not give birth to frogs. Toads and Frogs are different species.

Do Tadpoles give birth or lay eggs?

Taddpoles arae the immature, juvenile form of frogs and toads. Immature forms can't breed. As adults, frogs and toads lay eggs.

Can toads give other toads warts?

Toads do not have warts so they can't give it to another Toad so the answer would be No.

Do toads give warts?


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Toads don't cause warts. Warts come from a virus that toads don't carry.

What are the toads for in super Mario 3d land?

Some toads are only there for environment, but some toads will give you items if you approach them. If you spot a toad while looking through binoculars and zoom in on him, he'll probably give you a gold coin or a 1-Up.

Why do frogs give birth to lots of eggs?

Frogs lay a lot of eggs because a lot of animals eat tadpoles and small frogs including other frogs.

Can a frog give you a skin rash?

maybe if you have sensitive skin. but usually not. toads can give you warts though!

What animals evolve after birth?

Several animals evolve after birth including frogs and toads. These animals are born as tadpoles and become frogs after birth. Many insects like butterflies also evolve after birth.

Do toads give off a toxic scent that is poisonous to other animals?
