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Veins carry the blood to the heart to get oxygen back in it, while arteries carry the blood away from the heart.

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Q: Where do veins take your blood?
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How are artiries and veins alike?

They both carry blood in them, but veins take blood to the heart, artiries take blood from the heart, usually!

Is it blood that runs in veins?

It is not true. Blood is also runs in arteries. Arteries take the blood throughout your body and veins take the blood back to your heart.

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What Function Does The Heart Serve?

The heart PUMPS BLOOD through the arteries throughout your body. Veins take blood to your heart, arteries take blood away. some people think the heart pumps blood into your veins but that is NOT true. Your veins take the blood to your heart, the arteries take the blood away from your heart.

What does blood in veins do?

they take blood to the heart or take through you're body

Do veins allow blood to travel away from the heart?

No. Pulmonary veins take blood from the lungs to the right atrium.(veINs take blood IN to the heart.) Pulmonary arteries take blood from the heart(left ventricle) to the lungs. But pulmonary veins are the only veins in the body to carry oygenated blood, and pulmonary arteries are the only arteries to carry deoxygenated blood.

Vessels that take blood from the lungs?

Blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to different organs are called arteries.Blood vessels that carry blood to the heart are called veins.

Which type of blood vessels does the blood flow away from the heart in?

Blood flows away from the heart in arteries, and towards the heart in veins.

What takes blood back to the back to the heart?

Veins take blood back to the heart.

What are some similarities between capillaries and veins?

arteries take blood away from heart. veins take blood to the heart. capillaries have thin walls

What type of blood vessels take blood toward the heart?


What do the veins on the heart do?

the same thing all veins do, it returns blood to the heart and circulation , arteries take blood to the body