

Where do volcanos happen?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Most volcanoes appear at the tectonic plate boundaries where friction between the plates and the mantle makes magma which then push through near the plate boundaries forming volcanoes.

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Vincent Hilpert

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13y ago

Most volcanoes appear at the tectonic plate boundaries where friction between the plates and the mantle makes magma which then push through near the plate boundaries forming volcanoes.

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Volcanologist* -- Volcano = Volcanos Ology= Study of -- It is the study of volcanos

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Are parasitic cone cinder cone the same?

Parasitic cone volcanos and cinder cone volcanos are not the same when classifying. Cinder cone volcanos are the most popular type of volcano, named for its cone shaped formation. Cinder cone volcano are also considered the smallest type of volcanos and can stand alone or grow on the flanks of other volcanos. The parasitic cone volcanos are similar to the cinder cones, however, the volcano is found on the flanks of other volcanos, hence, the name. It is created by flank eruptions of larger volcanos.

Are crystals sometimes made by volcanoes.?

they aren't made BY volcanos but they are made in the volcanos

What is a country with volcanos?

Japan is a country with volcanos and has over 100 active ones.