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The government of the Philippines does not allow you to have dual nationality.

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Q: Where do you apply for dual citizen in the Philippines?
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US and Philippine dual citizen how long they can stay in Philippines?

Being already a Filipino citizen because of Dual Citizenship, You can stay as long as you like.

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Yes, you can apply for German citizenship and be a dual citizen regardless of the fact if your mother was still a German citizen or not.

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You cannot change your passport. Rather, you can apply for a dual citizenship passport, meaning you will be issued another passport if you are eligible as a citizen of that particular country

can you have dual citizenship in the U.S. and Phillipines?

I think that if your father was (and/or still is) a US citizen, then you are also a US citizen no matter where you were born. It should be rather easy to get an american passport in the US embassy or consulate in the phillipines for you. As for your mother, I believe that she has to apply for a US visa or "green card" based on her marriage to your father who was/is a US citizen, or thru your US citizenship if you are over 21 years old.

How does an american get dual citizenship for the philippines?

You can get dual citizenship for the Philippines if you are a natural-born Filipino who has become a naturalized citizen of another country, and to retain your Philippine citizenship, you have to take an oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines before a Philippine Consular Officer.

Can a British citizen who was previously a Philippine citizen and also previously married in the Philippines but now on a divorced status can remarry a Philippine citizen in the Philippines?

My brother married a girl from the Philippines in the Philippines. They were both previously divorced. She is a Philippine citizen. He is a US citizen. I do not know whether this will apply to your situation but it sounds similar. You might want to check with the British consulate there to be sure.

Can you hold Canadian passport and Philippine passport?

If you are a citizen of both countries then you can apply for the dual citizenship so that you can get both passports.

Is there a need for a dual Filipino American citizen to report to the U.S. embassy if she stayed for more than a year in the Philippines?

Yes, dual citizens are required to report their extended stays in the Philippines to the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. This is important for maintaining accurate records of their presence and complying with U.S. regulations on dual citizenship.

How long can a Japanese citizen stay in the Philippines?

A Japanese citizen can stay in the Philippines for up to 30 days without a visa. If they wish to stay longer, they will need to apply for a visa extension through the Philippine Bureau of Immigration.

Citizenship of Philippines?

To become a citizen of the Philippines, one must meet certain requirements such as being a permanent resident for a certain period, demonstrating an understanding of the culture, history, and government, and taking an oath of allegiance. Dual citizenship is allowed in the Philippines.

What do you call a citizen of Philippines?

A citizen of the Philippines is called a Filipino.

What are the ratings and certificates for Dual Citizen - 2001?

Dual Citizen - 2001 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (Ontario)