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There are many places to buy noridictrack treadmill or excercise equipment. Your local sports store will have them and so will websites like

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Q: Where do you buy good noridictrack treadmill or exercise equipment?
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What are the necessary exercise equipments for a home gym?

There are many exercise equipment that is suitable to start a home gym. A few good examples of home exercise equipment is the treadmill, elliptical trainers and cycling machine.

Where can I find the best deals for a Sole Treadmill?

There are always great bargains for second-hand equipment on Amazon and Ebay. Definitely check out their deals for exercise equipment, you will most likely find good deals for a Sole treadmill.

Are treadmill desks any good at all?

Treadmill desks are proving to be popular but they are very expensive at approximately $500. I would suggest you invest in some basic exercise equipment and some good instructional DVDs.

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The price of exercise equipment varies, and has to do with the type of machine, and how old it is. A good treadmill will run around $800-$1000, which a bicycle is around $600.

Is there a payment plan for the Nordic track elliptical treadmill?

There are many payment options when it comes to purchasing exercise equipment. Amazon has many different options and can offer good payment plans for this.

Where can I get a good deal true treadmill?

A good place to look for cheap exercise equipment would be Wal-Mart or any other type of superstore. If not, you can always check the classified section of your local newspaper or

What are some recommended types of home gym equipment for exercise and weight loss?

Walking on a treadmill is an excellent aerobic exercise. It is good for the heart and is one of the few forms of exercise that can aid in weight loss. It also doesn't place too much strain on the body.

What exercises would be good for knee joint pain?

You should talk to your doctor first before starting any exercise for the knee joint pain because they will let you know what type of exercises for you would be good. But some of the exercises he/she will have you do may include a treadmill, an exercise bike, weights, or other exercise equipment.

How do Horizon ellipticals compare to other brands of exercise equipment?

An elliptical machine is considered by many fitness experts to be a good choice because they offer the movement of a stair stepper and treadmill combined.

What equipment is good for cardiovascular equipment?

Any piece of equipment that gets the heart beating faster is good cardiovascular equipment. Some examples include the treadmill, stationary bike and elliptical trainer.

Is there a place I can sell my Weslo treadmill and also buy a Nordic track treadmill?

eBay and Amazon are two really good places to buy and resell. However, because this is heavy equipment, I'd consider looking into local exercise stores in your area to see if you can make a deal with them first.

What is aquatic exercise equipment good for?

Aquatic exercise equipment is good for people that need to go to physical therapy for rehabilitation. Aquatic exercise equipment can also be well suited to exercise. Many people enjoy swimming and the like and when incorporating exercise equipment, water can become more beneficial.