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Q: Where do you fill the clutch fluid on a Mazda Miata?
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What is the container next to the brake fluid container on a Mazda Miata 1995?

If it looks like a smaller version of the brake cylinder container it is the hydraulic clutch reservoir ( assuming you have a manual ) and you will fill it with brake fluid.

Where do you fill the clutch fluid on a Mazda T3500 truck?

You don't use clutch fluid for a manual transmission vehicle.

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Refer its wners manual or Simply, take it to the mechanic.

WHERE do you fill clutch flu ed Mazda e2000 van?

We have just had some probems with our Mazda E2000 Campervan, and needed to fill the clutch fluid. While we had some difficulty finding the reservoir, there is a reservoir near the steering wheel on the left. It says that it is for brake fluid, but it is also for the clutch. We bled the clutch and while bleeding it the reservoir where the brake fluid is store dropped confirming that this is also the clutch reservoir. Hope this helps.

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Fill the transmission filter with transmission fluid before you put the new transmission filter on. You probably will not need to add any transmission fluid.

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Is brake fluid the same as clutch fluid?

It can be, DOT3 or 4 is the fill for most hydraulic clutch systems.

On my 1998 ZX2 there is a fluid container on the front just next to the radiator cap on the passengers side is this the clutch fluid if not what is it and where do i fill up the clutch fluid?

The clutch fluid and the brake fluid can both be filled in the brake fluid reservoir.

Where do you put clutch fluid in a 1995 ford escort?

It uses brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid (brake fluid) is fed by the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid reservoir is just beneath the brake fluid reservoir. So, add fluid to the brake fluid reservoir to fill the clutch fluid, also.

Where is the fill up for clutch fluid for 96 mustang?

Actually , the clutch on a 1996 Ford Mustang is not hydraulic , it is operated by a cable so there isn't any clutch fluid

Where do you fill the clutch fluid and can brake fluid be used to fill it?

Do you mean the clutch master cylinder or transmission fluid? They both will be under the hood, the clutch master cylinder will more than likely be on the drivers side near the dash and will say what type of fluid to put in (dot 3) and will say clutch master cylinder. Just open the plastic cap when the fluid is cool and fill to the fill line. I believe as long as the brake fluid says dot 3 or whatever type you need it's okay to use. As for transmission fluid, do NOT use brake fluid for that, buy regular transmission fluid