

Where do you find woodpeckers?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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You find woodpeckers in the forest (although that's probably not the answer you were looking for). If you want to see one, put out suet (a type of bird food you will probably see in a store) and a few should start coming anywhere from a week later to never.

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13y ago

You can usually find a Green Woodpecker on a grass common feeding on ant larvae. And you can usually find Greater Spotted Woodpeckers on trees in woods or sometimes even on telephone posts!

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12y ago

The red headed woodpecker is found in the North American east from southern Canada to the Gulf states. A species that was in decline a few decades ago, it has seen some resurgence, especially in the American south, where it is now fairly common.

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Do woodpeckers eat nectar?

No. Hummingbird nectar is a liquid that you put in hummingbird feeders. Woodpeckers can't access the nectar. They eat small insects that they find when the peck at the bark of trees.

Do woodpeckers live in trees or nest?

Yes woodpeckers do live in the tropical rainforest. They are brown, black, white, and red. They peck through the trees in order to find worms or other bugs to eat. There are over 180 species of woodpecker in the world.

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How does the habitat of the woobpeacker help the animel survive?

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Are woodpeckers and chipmunks types of squirrels?

Woodpeckers are, but chipmunks are a different species.