

Where do you get free or cheap 3D TV contents?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Free or cheap 3D television content is available in any locations that offer free or cheap 2D content.

Don't expect the quality to be great. After all, you get what you pay for.

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Q: Where do you get free or cheap 3D TV contents?
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Are there enough 3D contents to watch if you buy a 3D TV?

Number of 3D contents is increasing as 3D TV becomes more popular but it's true that there could be more. Some 3D TVs have 2D to 3D conversion feature which lets you watch any 2D content in 3D.

Do passive 3D TVs sacrifice the picture quality for its lightweight and cheap 3D glasses?

No, not at all. LG is the biggest maker of passive 3D TVs and LG Cinema 3D gives you the same 3D experience as the movie theater at home. The lightweight, battery free 3D glasses are polarized (just like those you get at movie theaters) and they give you images with hig quality that's also flicker free and crosstalk free.

Are the glasses necessary for a 3D TV. What is 2D to 3D conversion?

3D TV glasses are necessary to watch your 3D TV. There are some people saying glasses free 3D TV will be available next year, but that is not true. There is only a prototype model available in small sizes and it needs improvement, so glasses free 3D TV won't be possible for many years down the road. There are some 3D TVs that can turn normal channels into 3D and this technology is called 2D to 3D conversion. If you want this feature you have to check whether the TV has this feature or not. If you are going to play games, there are some 3D games available but if not you can always use this 2D to 3D conversion and switch the 2D images to 3D. Because this 2D to 3D conversion feature can convert anything it even turns low quality videos or flash downloaded from the web into a 3D. However, watching regular 2D contents into 3D is different from watching 3D contents that were originally filmed in 3D. It's a different technology so I highly recommend you to buy a 3D blu-ray player and a cable/satelite if you can.

Are there enough 3D contents to watch on a 3D TV?

More and more movies are being made in 3D now and YouTube also has 3D contents available now. Some 3D TVs have 2D to 3D conversion that allows you to watch basically anything in 3D (sports, any 2D movie, discovery channel, etc). The quality is quite good. There's also a lot of growth in devices that let you create your own 3D content. Camcorders and video binoculars are good examples. With both of these you can watch your own content on your 3D TV.

Will there be glass free 3D TV in the future?

Hopefully, because major 3D TV makers are trying to do it. Recently CES small glasses free 3D TV was presented by Sony.

Is the possibility of glasses free 3D TV coming soon?

Toshiba has already launched glasses free 3D TV. But it has its limitations that only 11 people can watch 3D at a time and it is not as effective as other present 3D TVs

Where do you get 3D contents to watch on a 3D TV?

There are a lot of 3D DVDs available. Broadcast 3D is becoming more common and there are also on line sources for 3D content as well. 3D content will become more common as the market penetration increases in the next year or two.

Which one of Samsung or LG is better when you buy a 3D TV from either of them?

LG Cinema 3D got #1 in a consumer research. Personally, I also think LG Cinema 3D is better than Samsung's any other 3D TVs. Samsung's 3D TVs are active TVs and they use shutter system while LG Cinema 3D is a passive tv withbetter FPS technology. Basically you never have to worry about flickering images and crosstalk with a passive 2D TV. Not only is LG Cinema 3D a flicker free and crosstalk free TV, it also has lightweight and battery free 3D glasses. These 3D glasses are very affordable compared to Samsung's. If you're gonna buy a 3D TV, you might as well buy the one that's flicker free and crosstalk free.

What 3D TV gives you the most theater like 3D movie experience?

LG Cinema 3D is probably the best one to go for if you want a theater-like 3D experience. LG Cinema 3D series use the same technology as the movie theater 3D screens (as opposed to shutter glasses technology in other 3D tvs). LG Cinema 3D uses lightweight, battery free 3D glasses that give you flicker free and crosstalk free images. You can actually use 3D glasses from movie theaters with LG Cinema 3D (you can't with other 3D tvs).

Do you think LG 3d TV can compete the market of glass free 3d TV?

Glasses free 3D TVs are not available yet (apart from 2 models on sale in Japan only) so at this point there's no contest.

Do you know which brand or model of 3D TV that is flicker free and crosstalk free which uses battery free 3D glasses?

There are two technologies in use with 3D television. Active 3D requires glasses that have batteries while passive models do not. Crosstalk in active glasses has been a problem but it depends on the make of glasses and television. For passive 3D, look at Sony, Visio, Toshibe or LG.

Which are the crosstalk free 3D TV models?

Well, I can't really list all the crosstalk free 3D TV models but basically, all of the passive ones. They use battery free glasses and the 3D effect is created all in the TV screen, so crosstalk won't happen.