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Q: Where do you get more 5 star furniture in Fable 2?
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How do you get 5 star furniture in Fable 2?

You get 5 star furniture in Fable 2 by either going to the Bowerstone Market furniture store or Bloodstone furniture store. Bowerstone's Furniture is most likely to have the 5 star furniture. Most of the pieces that a 5 star will have the word "luxury" in the front of the piece's name.

In Fable 2 what are Accessories?

clothes or furniture

How do you get rid of furniture already in your house on Fable 2?

You can swap it for other furniture but I don't think you can get rid of it.

How can you add furniture to your house on Fable 2 with out replacing the old?

You can't

Is there a five star weapon in Fable 2?

yes there is all of the legendary weapons are five star

What is the difference between Fable 2 and fable 3?

Fable was more medieval fable 2 was in-between and fable three is more civilized with the advancements in firearms wheras fabel 2 firearms were just now being introduced, fable3 capitalizes on economy and technological advancements.

How much will Fable 2 sell for?

No more then $20.

How do you buy a door in fable 2?

you cannot buy doors you can only buy interior furniture, give it some time and the door will respawn, i think

How many fable video games have been made?

There are 9 Fable games: . Fable Fable: Coin Golf Fable Heroes Fable 2 Fable 3 Fable 2 Pub Games Fable 4 Fable: The Journey Fable: The Lost Chapters

How do you decorate a house in fable 2?

You have to have furniture already in your inventory. Go to the landlord sign in front of a house you own. Bring up the menu from that sign. Pick Enter Decoration Mode, and walk into the house. You can switch out the furniture from there.

Is there Fable 2 on PC?

no i don't believe fable will be available on the PC

How do you buy furniture in Fable 2?

Furniture can be found in many of the main towns in Fable 2. Just look for a symbol on a sign sticking from the outer wall of a house, it will have the sybol of a chair on it. There is a furniture shop in Bowerstone market (when you enter, cross the bridge to where the towns clock is and the blacksmith place is....its to your right when you get there it just looks like someones house) theres also one in Bloodstone, towards the top of the town.